Page 14 - Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
P. 14

•  Member  Secretary  is  responsible  for  organizing  the  meetings,  maintaining  the
                    records and communication in all  concerned. The Notice of the meeting should be
                    issued at least 7 (seven) days before the meeting.

                    • Minutes of the previous meeting should be confirmed. Proceeding of the meetings
                    should be confidential and maintained in a standard format.

                    • The proceedings of the meeting should be prepared within 3 working days after the

                    •  All decisions will be communicated in writing to the Principal Investigator.

                    • NREC should have following documentation:

                    - Copy of all study protocols with enclosed documents, progress reports, and Serious
                    Adverse Effect (SAEs).

                    - Minutes of all meetings.

                    - Copy of all existing relevant national and international guidelines on research ethics
                    and laws along with amendments.

                    - Copy of all correspondence with members, researchers and other regulatory bodies.

                           - Final report of the approved projects.
                           - All documents should be archived.

                    • Updating NREC members:

                           -All relevant new guidelines should be brought to the attention of the

                           - Members should be encouraged to attend national and international training
                           programs in research ethics for maintaining quality in ethical review and be
                           aware of the latest developments in this area.

                    SOP OF BMRC ETHICAL GUIDELINE                                                                                              Page 13
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