Page 13 - Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
P. 13



                           Bangladesh  Medical  Research  Council  (BMRC)  is  the  Secretariat  for  the
                           National  Research  Ethics  Committee  (NREC).  According  to  BMRC  Policy
                           each and every Project Proposal approved by the Scientific Review Committee
                           must  get  ethical  approval  before  funding.  Scientific  validity  should  be
                           approved  by  a  valid  Scientific  Review  Committee  before  submission  of  a
                           research project to NREC.

                           The  Ethics  Review  Committee  of  BMRC  was  established  in  1979.  The
                           Committee  consists  of  9-13  Members  (Lawyer,  Female  Representative,
                           Religious Leader, Research Methodologist / Bio-statistician are obligatory as
                           member) including chairman and member secretary. The Committee is formed
                           by the Council under Guidelines for formation of Ethics Review Committee
                           for tenure of 3 Years. The NREC is multidisciplinary and multi-sectorial in
                           composition and an independent Body.

                           The Committee is registered in OHRP as an official IRB (lRB No. 0001494)
                           and has FWA (#00006444). Usually every year the Ethics Review Committee
                           evaluates around 100 Research Proposals. The Committee meets every month.
                           The  Committee  has  given  ethical  approvals  to  investigators  of  numerous
                           International  Agencies  and  Academic  Institutions  (e.g.  WHO,  UNICEF,
                           UNFPA,  Harvard,  Johns  Hopkins,  Columbia,  Cambridge  Universities,  Intl.
                           NGOs etc.)

                    • The NREC provides approval for:

                       ➢  BMRC Funded Research Projects (Internal/Intramural)

                       ➢  Projects  funded  by  Organizations  (National  and  International)  other  than
                           BMRC (External/Extramural), including multicentric collaborative studies.

                       ➢  Research studies leading to Postgraduate Degrees (Specifically PhDs).

                    • The Chairperson will conduct all meetings of the NREC. In absence of the
                    Chairperson, members of the NREC will elect a chairperson who will conduct the

                    • The NREC will conduct meeting in every 2 (two) months. The agenda should not be
                    so  loaded  that  sufficient  time  is  not  available  for  discussion.  The  frequency  of
                    meetings may increase depending on the number of applications.

                    SOP OF BMRC ETHICAL GUIDELINE                                                                                              Page 12
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