Page 12 - Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
P. 12


                    o  Total Budget.

                    o  Detailed Budget:

                    1.   Personnel  Cost:  (Professional  Scientific  Staff,  Technical  &  Other  Staff.  Please
                    mention percentage of time to be devoted by each personnel to this Project).

                    2.  Field Expenses/Laboratory Cost:

                    3.   Supplies and Materials (Items & quantity to be specified):

                    4.   Patient Cost (If applicable):

                    5.   Travel Cost (Internal travel cost only) :

                    6.   Transportation of Goods :

                    7.   Office Stationery (Items & quantity to be specified):

                    8.   Data Processing/Computer Charges (If applicable) :

                    9.   Printing and Reproduction :

                    10.    Contractual Services (Other than manpower):

                    11.    Miscellaneous :

                    SOP OF BMRC ETHICAL GUIDELINE                                                                                              Page 11
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