Page 2 - Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
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Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Ethical approval

                    The  objective  of  this  SOP  is  to  achieve  effective  functioning  of  the  National
                    Research  Ethics  Committee  (NREC)  (Annexure-F)  so  that  a  quality  and
                    consistent  ethical  review  mechanism  for  conducting  research  studies  involving
                    human subjects and biomedical research is in place.

                    All research projects for ethical approval should be submitted in the prescribed
                    Application  Form  which  is  available  in  BMRC  office  and  in  the  website
                    ( It is requested to go through the instruction before preparing
                    the Research proposal for submission.

                    Research proposal submitted to Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC)
                    for ethical approval should be methodologically sound and scholarly standard and
                    approved by valid scientific review committee. If the proposal is not approved by
                    any  valid  Scientific  Review  Committee  than  it  should  be  approved  by  the
                    Scientific  Review  Committee  of  BMRC  before  submission  to  NREC.  Principal
                    Investigator will be informed at time of any comments/queries arisen.  NREC will
                    be give the final Ethical Approval after considering the justification given / points
                    addressed on the ethical issues of the research proposal.

                    Scientific Review Committee will justify the research proposal is of good scientific
                    quality, scientific value, validity and feasibility of the protocol and cited relevant
                    scientific literature (if any) on of proposed research as well as ethical issues by
                    peer review process.

                    The  NREC  will  conduct  meeting  in  every  2  (two)  months.  The  frequency  of
                    meetings may increased depending on the number of applications. All decisions
                    will be communicated to the Principal Investigator in writing.

                    All  relevant  documents  should  be  enclosed  with  Application  Form.  Required
                    number  of  copies  of  the  proposal  (soft  &  hard  copy)  along  with  the  formal
                    application / letter and documents in prescribed format (all must be duly signed
                    by the Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-investigators / Collaborators) should be
                    forwarded to the Members/Secretary of the NREC.

                    Chairperson’s Review and Expedited Review:

                       Expedited Review  will  be given  when  the  research  proposal  is  approved  by
                       valid Scientific Review Committee – as methodologically sound, without any
                       intervention  and  risk  of  distress  or  injury,  physical  or  psychological  to  the
                       subjects.  The expedited proposal with justification for expedition should be
                       placed in the next NREC meeting.

                    SOP OF BMRC ETHICAL GUIDELINE                                                                                              Page 1
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