Page 8 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
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neighboring countries have also formulated Ethical Guidelines or putting
                          their  efforts  in  development  of  Ethical  Guidelines.  Bangladesh  Medical
                          Research Council (BMRC) updated the Guideline in 2009. However in 2013
                          it  has  been  felt  that  it  needs  further  updating.  Present  Guideline  was
                          formulated after deliberations by groups of experts in different fields.

                          1.5.   Definition of Ethics

                          The  word  "ethics"  is  derived  from  the  Greek  word  "ethicos".  Ethics  is  a
                          branch of Philosophy that deals with morality, moral problems and moral
                          judgments,  in  fact  the  whole  science  of  moral  principles.  For  simplicity
                          Ethics  can  be  defined  as  a  system  of  normal  standards  or  values.
                          Standards  and  values  may  differ  from  country  to  country,  society  to


                          Bioethics is the understanding of right, responsibility, justices   and
                          moral  interaction  in  living  being.  It  includes  medical  ethics,
                          environmental  ethics  and  ethical,  legal  and  social  issues  arising
                          from  biotechnology.  Bioethics  teaches  how  to  balance  between
                          different  benefits,  risks  and  duties.  In  the  1970s  it  emerged  as  a
                          discipline  of  academic  in  USA  due  to  the  increasing  complexity  of
                          medical  advances.  Now-a-days,  bioethics  has  gained  immense
                          important  in  whole  of  the  world  due  to  rapid  advancement  in
                          science and technology, drastic changes in macroeconomic planning
                          and  globalization.  Furthermore,  clinical  decisions  involving  the
                          system  of  values  (pluralism,  moral  autonomy,  democracy  and
                          human  rights)  which  shapes  the  meaning  of  life,  the  meaning  of

                          suffering,  and  the  meaning  of  death  which  go  beyond  the  strictly
                          medical horizon. In addition, biomedical field has become the place
                          where  the  various  moral  approaches  present  in  our  pluralistic
                          society  are  most  directly  confronted.  The  most  critical  situation  is
                          an  ever-increasing  range  of  health care  professionals  (personalized
                          response to the needs of each patient) that create a new demand for
                          ethics  in  the  health  care  system.  Another  important  critical
                          situation  is  that  the  process  of  reordering  health  care  systems  to
                          cope with scarce resources. As this scarcity forces reorganization on
                          the basis of an analysis of the priorities, it becomes increasing vital
                          to determine the ethical criteria on which to base such an analysis.
                          Medical  professionals  face  dilemma  with  advancing  science  and
                          technology  along  with  enormous  health  and  environmental  problems.
                          Bioethics  may  make  bridge  between  science,  technology,  social,  cultural
                          and spiritual values.

                   BMRC ETHICAL GUIDELINE ON HUMAN SUBJECTS                                    Page 4
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