Page 12 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
P. 12

      Expected benefits from the research
                                Risks/discomfort involved during participation
                                Measures to be taken to minimize risks
                                Confidentiality of records
                                Medical Services to be provided by the investigators
                                Provision  for  compensation  for  injury,  disability  or  death  of
                                Statements  mentioning  that  the  individual  is  free  to  refuse  to
                                 participate and will be free to withdraw from the  research at any
                                 time without penalty or loss of benefits to which he or she would
                                 otherwise be entitled. Address of contact person in case of queries
                                 be provided.

                          Obligations of Investigators Regarding Informed Consent

                          To obtain consent from the  participants in implementation of a research
                          study in Bangladesh the investigator shall:

                          ❖      Communicate all relevant information to the participants

                          ❖      Provide complete and comprehensive information

                          ❖      Provide opportunity and encouragement to ask question

                          ❖      Participate needs to provide sufficient time and opportunity in the

                          ❖      Exclude possibility of unjustified deception

                          ❖      Exclude possibility of intimidation and undue influence

                          ❖      Consideration of financial inducement should  be based on poverty
                                 level of Bangladeshi population

                          ❖      Inform consent form must have sign by participant/legal guardian.

                          ❖      In  case  of  a  clinical  trial  /  experiment  informed  consent  is  to  be
                                 signed by the participant in presence of witness.

                          ❖      For  a  study  without  any  intervention  (Non-intervention  type  of
                                 study)  involving  large  community  it  is  necessary  to  have  the
                                 consent of the community.

                          ❖      In  case  of    illiterate  participants  the  investigator  shall  verbally
                                 discuss the content of the Informed Consent Form in presence of a
                                 witness who is literate and capable of understanding.

                          ❖      Ensure  that  an  individual  or  group  or  community  is  enough
                                 competent  to  understand  and  assess  information  about  the

                   BMRC ETHICAL GUIDELINE ON HUMAN SUBJECTS                                    Page 8
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