Page 64 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
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will  be  able  to  receive  genetic  counseling  by,  for  instance,
                                 establishing  a  pertinent  genetic  counseling  system  or  explaining
                                 about genetic  counseling and making referral  to pertinent genetic
                                 counseling services.

                          i.      The institutions carrying out stem cell research shall also establish
                                 suitable  mechanisms  for  creating  awareness  and  communicating
                                 scientific evidences to the public.

                          13.5   Duties of Principal Investigators

                           i.     Principal  investigators  shall,  prior  to  conducting  human
                                  genome/gene  analysis  research,  prepare  a  research  protocol  and
                                  seek  approval  from  the  director  of  his/her  research  institution
                                  before  submission  of  research  proposal  to  NREC  for  Ethical
                                  approval.  Such  a  procedure  must  also  be  followed  prior  to
                                  altering a research protocol.

                          ii.     Principal  investigators  shall,  in  preparing  a  research  protocol,
                                  thoroughly  take  into  account  such  factors  as  the  necessity  of  the
                                  research and the     research    method     intended    to   prevent
                                  disadvantage to donors and equivalent persons, in consideration of
                                  various impacts that donors and   equivalent  persons  would  be
                                  expected  to  experience  as  a  result  of  the  proposed  human
                                  genome/gene analysis research.

                         iii.    The investigators and the institutions where the stem cell research
                                 is being conducted bear the ultimate responsibility of ensuring that
                                 research activities are in accordance with laid down standards and
                                 integrity. In particular, scientists whose research involves hES cells
                                 should work closely with monitoring/regulatory bodies, demonstrate
                                 respect  for  autonomy  and  privacy  of  those  who  donate  gametes,
                                 blastocysts, and be sensitive to public concerns about research that
                                 involves  human  embryos.  Sponsors  shall  also  take  note  of  their
                                 responsibilities  and  liabilities  under  various  statutes  and
                                 regulations governing research and development in the area in-force
                                 or to be introduced in the country in near future.
                          iv.    Principal  investigators  shall  oversee  research  conductors  so  that
                                 they  will  properly  conduct  human  genome/gene  analysis  research
                                 by,  for  instance,  having  all  research  conductors  observe  matters
                                 described in an approved research protocol.

                          v.     The physician/scientist engaged in stem cell research and therapy
                                 shall ensure that no hype or unrealistic expectations is created in
                                 the minds of subjects or public at large regarding stem cell therapy.
                                 They must inform the parent and the family. The bare facts both
                                 what is known and what is not known about the status of stem cell
                                 research for the given indication and the alternatives available for

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