Page 80 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
P. 80

Coded  Samples:  Sometimes  termed  “linked”  or  “identifiable,”
                                 these  samples  are  supplied  by  repositories  to  investigators  from
                                 identified  specimens  with  a  code  rather  than  with  personally
                                 identifying  information  such  as  a  name  or  other  identifying

                                 Identified  Samples:  These  samples  are  supplied  by  repositories
                                 from  identified  specimens  with  a  personal  identifier  (such  as  a
                                 name of person/patient number) that would allow the researcher to
                                 link the biological information derived from the research directly to
                                 the individual from whom the material was obtained. (ICMR, 2006,

                                 ❑       Guidelines for using repository samples:

                                   a)    Primary use:

                                   By  primary  use  it  is  meant  that  the  biological  material  will  be
                                   used  for  the  intended  purpose  as  described  in  the  protocol
                                   submitted for approval from Ethics Committee. Ownership of the
                                   sample lies with the individual, family or community as the case
                                   may be. Local Ethics Committee should consider following points
                                   for approving primary use:

                                   i.    consent should be in written form, given voluntarily by the
                                         donor who has the capacity to do so. The use of the samples
                                         shall be reserved for the defined purpose only;

                                   ii.   participants  have  the  right  to  withdraw  at  any  time.  This
                                         does not apply to anonymized samples;

                                   iii.  if  sample  is  inadequate  or  contaminated  re-contact  is
                                         necessary  for  fresh  and  specific  consent.  This  should  be
                                         incorporated in the prior consent form;

                                   iv.   while  obtaining  data/samples  from  vulnerable  subgroups
                                         with  reduced  autonomy,  Ethics  Committee  should  ensure
                                         that  informed  consent  be  obtained  from  legally  authorized
                                         representatives  in  the  presence  of  impartial  witness.  The
                                         risks and benefits should be adequately explained;

                                   v.    when samples have to be obtained for specific research from
                                         participants belonging to specified communities, permission
                                         of  the  group  leader/local  leader/authorities  must  also  be
                                         obtained.  However  individual  consent  should  never  be
                                         compromised  even  if  permission  of  the  gatekeepers/village

                                   vi.   group consent of the population/community should         be
                                         obtained through its culturally appropriate       authorities

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