Page 72 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
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clinical  trials  or  research  remains  critical.  There  should  be  good
                                 reason to believe that clinical outcomes will be improved.

                          b.     The  objectives  and  rationale  of  the  proposed  gene  therapy  or
                                 research  should  be  clear,  based  on  a  sound  understanding  of  the
                                 biological system being studied and where possible and appropriate,
                                 based on prior studies in animals.

                          c.     The  structure  and  characteristics  of  the  DNA  or  RNA,  and of  the
                                 vector  (carrier  of  the  DNA  or  RNA),  to  be  used  for  gene  transfer
                                 must be known.

                          d.     It  should  be  possible  to  measure  the  effects  of  treatment  and

                          e.     Procedures should be in place which ensures the long-term follow-
                                 up of those studied or treated.

                          f.     How consent to participation is obtained, and on what information
                                 it is to be based should be carefully considered.

                                 13.8.1 Basic Requirement of a proposal for gene therapy

                                 When reviewing a proposal for gene therapy, or introduction
                                 of DNA or RNA into humans for research purposes, BMRC
                                 should also be satisfied that:

                                 (a)     The  research  team  has  the  necessary  knowledge  of,  and
                                         experience  in,  molecular  biology  and  the  disease  being

                                 (b)     The  research  team  has  appropriate  facilities  in  order  to
                                         carry out the research.

                                 (c)     Research  on  Gene  therapy  will  be  restricted  to  public
                                         academic Institution.

                                 (d)     The  purity  of  the  material  to  be  administered  and  the
                                         methods  of  handling  it  during  its  preparation  and
                                         distribution are in accordance with current guidelines.

                                 (e)     Experiments  in  vitro  and/or  in  animal  models  have
                                         demonstrated that the inserted DNA or RNA:

                                         (i)    will not enter the germ cells;
                                         (ii)    is likely to have the intended effect in humans;
                                         (iii)    is  unlikely  to  cause  undesirable  side  effects  in

                                 (f)     The  potential  risks  have  been  assessed,  taking  into
                                         consideration  the  patient,  the  patient’s  family,  the  health
                                         professionals  involved  in  treatment  and  its  evaluation  and
                                         the community.

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