Page 53 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
P. 53


                          The  medical  advancements  in  science  and  technology  related  to
                          transplantation have raised new ethical issues that need to be addressed.
                          There is also a need for careful evaluation of these new methods and their
                          outcomes  through  research.  The  inevitable  necessity  of  standardized
                          ethical  guidelines  for  research  on  human  subjects  is  universally

                          Tissue and organ transplant like other medical issues will make a rapid
                          progress in this country and review of the guideline of ethical issues will be
                          needed.  The  objective  of  the  BMRC  guideline  is  to  promote  ethical

                          12.1  Ethical Guidelines of Transplantation Research

                          Systematic control and strengthening research ethics committees all over
                          the  country  would  pave  the  way  for  achieving  the  goals  in  the  coming
                          years.  This  guideline  mentions  essential  ethical  principles,  which  should
                          be considered in the research on tissue and organ transplantation.

                          12.1.1 Organ and tissue Transplantation

                                 a.  All  transplantation  research  on  tissues  or  organs  should  be
                                     done according   to the Human tissue transplantation act Law-
                                     5, April-13, 1999, of Bangladesh.

                                 b.  Purpose  of  research  in  any  Transplant  should  be  scientific
                                     advancement  and  in  accordance  with  goals  of  national  health
                                     system and should not be for financial or commercial purposes.

                                 c.   For using the tissues or organs of foreigners in transplantation
                                     research,  the approval of NREC required.

                                 d.   In view of the risk involved, the voluntary consent of the donor
                                     is  absolutely  essential.  The  donor  should  be  informed  of  all
                                     possible risks in a manner easily understood by the participant
                                     before the consent is taken.

                                 e.   For  using  tissues  and  organs  stored  in  the  banks,  the  donor
                                     should mention his / her consent for this kind of use.

                                 f.    The  system  of  obtaining  consent  for  using  the organs   of
                                     deceased  persons  for  research  in  Bangladesh  already
                                     formulated  by  Human  tissue  transplantation  act  1999.  The
                                     consent of person before death or a donor card or the consent of
                                     his/her next to kin   (decision   maker) is necessary.

                                 g.   During the time of removal of tissues or organs from deceased
                                     person until the time of burying the deceased, observance of all
                                     customary  and  spiritual  respects  to  cadaver  and  the  removed
                                     tissues   or organs is essential.

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