Page 45 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
P. 45

a)      For Phase I / II studies –

                                 Herbal Substance:

                                 •       plant  description:    genus,  species  (cultivar  where
                                         appropriate); region(s) and country (ies)   of  origin;  time  of
                                         harvest; parts to be   harvested

                                 •       plant  processing:  drying,  mechanical  disruption,  solvent
                                         extraction (aqueous or organic solvents, others)
                                 •       analytical procedures

                                 •       specification

                                 •       storage conditions/shelf life.

                                 Herbal Product:

                                 •       amount of active ingredient

                                 •       list of excipients

                                 •       type of product (tablet, capsule, etc.) and its    method  of
                                 •       analysis of recognized active ingredient(s) via    chemical or
                                         biological parameters

                                 •       analysis  of  a    considerable  chemical  constituent  (analytical
                                         marker compound)

                                 •       analysis via chemical fingerprint (analytical markers)
                                 •       analysis for lack of contamination by pesticides, herbicides,
                                         heavy metals, synthetic drug adulterants, microbials, toxins,

                                 •       dissolution studies

                                 •       storage conditions and stability during the length of the trial

                                 •       specification against which a certificate of analysis  can  be
                                         assessed before the clinical  trial material is released.

                                 b)      For Phase III studies:
                                         Performing generally the same procedures as  for Phase I/II
                                         trials, but more extensively  and  with  more  strict  control  of

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