Page 39 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
P. 39

appropriate authorities. However, the following important factors that are
                          unique  to  medical  devices  should  be  taken  into  consideration  while
                          evaluating the related research projects:

                                Previous  safety  data  of  the  medical  device  in  animals  should  be
                                 obtained and likely risks posed by the device should be considered.

                                Phase  I  trial  is  not  necessary  in  medical  and  medicated  devices
                                 trails as they are not used   in healthy volunteers.
                                Comparatively  medical  devices  used  within  the  body  may  have
                                 more risk than those used   on  or  outside  the  body,  for  example,
                                 orthopedic pins vs. crutches.

                                Medical  devices  not  used  regularly  have  less  risk  potential  than
                                 those  used  regularly,  for  example,  contact  lens  vs.  intraocular

                                Safe procedures to introduce a medical device      in   the   patient
                                 should also be followed as the procedure itself may cause harm to
                                 the patient.

                                Like  drug  trials,  informed  consent  procedures  should  be  followed.
                                 The patient information sheet should contain information on follow-
                                 up procedures to be adopted if the patient  decides to withdraw from
                                 the trial.
                                Study  design  of  the  intra  body  devices  like  implants  can  be  very
                                 challenging  and  should  have  adequate  protective  safeguards.  The
                                 study  should  be  long  enough  to  detect  if  there  are  any  late  onset

                                If in phase III full assessment of safety is not complete, the Phase
                                 III could extend to Phase IV.

                                 AND X- RAYS

                          X-rays, gamma rays, beta rays, radioactive and radio opaque materials are
                          often  used  for  investigation  and  treatment  of  different  diseases.  In  such
                          cases  doses  of  radiation  must  not  exceed  the  radiation  limit  set  by  the
                          regulatory authority Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC).

                          Special Concerns

                                Data should be obtained using method that exposes the  participant
                                 to least radiation.
                                In  case  of  death  of  a  participant  exposed  to  lethal  radiation  or
                                 radiological  implant,  necessary  precaution  as  per  radiological
                                 guideline must be taken to protect the relatives and neighbors.

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