Page 33 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
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type  of  trial,  an  indeterminate  result  was  found  due  to
                                         difference  in  clinical  thought  against  statistical  thinking.
                                         Then this concept arose. In superiority trials one of the arms
                                         can be placebo or active control but in equivalence trials use
                                         of  placebo  arm  will  be  unethical  as  the  drug’s  efficacy  will
                                         have to be tested against a proven therapy.

                                         To  improve  reporting  of  RCT  with  primary  focus  on  2
                                         parallel  groups  that  assess  the  possible  superiority  of  one
                                         treatment compared with another, CONSORT (Consolidated
                                         Standards  of  Reporting  Trials)  Statement,  including  a
                                         checklist and a flow diagram, was developed in late 90s. As
                                         in medical literature, the reporting method of non-inferiority
                                         or ACET trials has been modified.  CONSORT guidelines are
                                         now being extended to other trial designs too.

                          Monitoring and reporting adverse reactions or events:

                          In  drug  trial  any  adverse  event  or  adverse  drug  reaction  (AE/  ADR),
                          expected and unexpected, should be specified in the concerned SOP.  These
                          reactions  can  be  mild,  moderate  or  severe  and  causality  relationship
                          should be examined. When an AE or unexpected ADR happens, it needs
                          expedited review by the ethics committee. Unexpected AE/ ADRs and all
                          SAE  (serious  adverse  event)  should  be  reported  to  the  sponsor  by  the
                          investigator  within  24  hours  and  to  the  ethics  committee  that  accorded
                          approval to the study protocol within seven days. In the event of death the
                          NREC should also be informed within 24 hours.  During a clinical trial if
                          any  unexpected  SAE  as  defined  in  the  GCP  (Good  Clinical  Practice)
                          Guidelines  occurs  should  be  communicated  promptly  within  14  calendar
                          days by the Sponsor to the Licensing Authority and to the Investigator(s)
                          of  other  trial  sites  participating  in  the  study,  so  that  the  regulatory
                          authority can immediately   stop the clinical trials of unapproved drugs or
                          withdraw  from  market  approved  drugs  based  on  report  of  Phase  IV
                          studies. All other serious unexpected reactions (ADRs) that are not fatal or
                          life  threatening  must  be  filed  as  soon  as  possible  but  not  later  than  14
                          calendar days. At the end of the trial, all adverse events whether related to
                          trial or not are to be listed, evaluated and discussed in detail in the final

                          The medical management of the adverse event is the responsibility of the
                          investigator,  and  the  protocol  for  adverse  event  management  with
                          allocation  of  responsibilities  must  be  pre-defined  in  the  protocol  and
                          submitted  to  the  Ethics  Committee.  There  must  be  a  financial  plan
                          (including,  if  available,  insurance)  to  manage  adverse  events  and
                          compensation for trial related injury. The Ethics Committee reviewing the
                          protocol, must review these aspects also before giving approval.

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