Page 20 - Ethical Guidelines for Conducting Research Studies Involving Human Subjects
P. 20

consent from the legal guardian should be taken after the person is
                                 well  informed  about  the  study,  need  for  participation,  risks  and
                                 benefits  involved  and  the  privacy  and  confidentiality  procedures.
                                 The entire consent process should be properly documented;

                          d.     Involvement  of  participants  such  as  prisoners,  students,
                                 subordinates,  employees,  and  service  personnel  etc.  who  have
                                 reduced  autonomy  as  research  participants,  since  the  consent
                                 provided may be under duress or various other compelling reasons
                                 required adequate justification.

                   06.    POST - TRIAL ACCESS

                          Helsinki  Declaration  of  the  World  Medical  Assembly  (WMA),  2000
                          states that at the end of the trial every participant should be assured of
                          access  to  the  best  proven  prophylactic,  diagnostic  and  therapeutic
                          methods  identified  by  the  study.  This  Declaration  led  to  a  lot  of  debate
                          globally on account of lack of even basic drugs in most of the developing
                          countries.  The  Declaration  of  the  WMA  in  2004  reaffirmed  “its  position
                          that it is necessary during the study planning process to identify post-trial
                          access  by  study  participants  to  prophylactic,  diagnostic  and  therapeutic
                          procedures   identified  as  beneficial  in  the  study  or  access  to  other
                          appropriate  care.  Post-trial  access  arrangements  or  other  care  must  be
                          described  in  the  study  protocol  so  the  ethical  review  committee  may
                          consider such arrangements during its review.”

                          Therefore, whenever possible NREC should consider such an arrangement
                          in  the  a  priori  agreement.  Sometimes  more  than  the  benefit  to  the
                          participant, the community may be given benefit in indirect way through
                          improving  their  living  conditions,  establishing  counseling  centers,  clinics
                          or schools, and giving education on maintaining good health practices. For
                          smaller scale or student projects post trial benefit to the participants may
                          not be feasible but keeping in mind the post trial responsibility conscious
                          efforts should be made by the guides and the institution to initiate steps
                          to  continue  to  support  and  give  better  care  to  the  participants.  (ICMR-

                          MEDICAL / HEALTH RESEARCH

                          Research  in  biomedical  and  health  areas  has  gained  greater  momentum
                          only by the second half of the 20th Century, especially since the 1960s, the
                          scope  of  international  co-operation  and  collaboration  assumed  such
                          proportions  as  to  have  exploitative  connotations  with  commercial  and
                          human dimensions. On the other hand, collaboration in medical research

                   BMRC ETHICAL GUIDELINE ON HUMAN SUBJECTS                                   Page 16
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